Focus of the Month

Each month, the club focuses on one of our members who contribute to the club or to the hobby of amateur radio in their special way. A little more detail about them is provided in the column. 
What’s interesting about them is that there is no prerequisite for the column, other than that you must be a member of the club. What you have done or doing within the realms of Amateur Radio is highlighted here. So go check it out, and if you are interested in sharing your story or your involvement into amateur radio, you can contribute too. 

July 2024 – Max Phipps – AA5KK

June 2024 – David Turner – W5DRT

May 2024 – Andrew Bentley – KG5SKM

April 2024 – Marvin Schiavone – KG5GMA

March 2024 – Lynda Tuma – KF5JUO

February 2024 – Michael Coffman – AB5MC

January 2024 – Ricky Jessen – KG5FDT


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