Board of Directors Meeting for the month of April
April 1st at 7 p.m.
1600 Norwood St, Sherman, TX
Our Board of Directors Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at 1600 Norwood St, Sherman, TX. Everyone is welcome to attend. We appreciate your input. We will be ordering pizza and sharing the cost.
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Club General Meeting for the month of April
April 15th at 7 p.m.
1117 Gallagher Dr, Sherman, TX
Our Club General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at 1117 Gallagher Dr, Sherman, TX. Testing for licenses and upgrades is held upstairs at the same location in Room 260 starting at 6 p.m.
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Winter Field Day Report – by Michael Coffman – AB5MC
Pictures from our Christmas Party:
Advertisement and link: MTC — Main Trading Company
1875 17th North East Street Suite 100, Paris, TX 75460
Spreading the Love Since 2009
Check out the ARES information detailing the Grayson County quadrants and simplex frequencies. It is found in the About GCARC menu at the very bottom.
About our Club
Our Club nets are held 8:00 PM on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month on the W5RVT 147.000 repeater.
Our Club meetings are held at 7:00 P.M. on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at the TCOG Building at 1117 Gallacher Dr, Sherman, TX
The next regular club meeting is on Tuesday–April 15th, 2025 – and ALWAYS on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month.
Amateur Radio Exams by ARRL VE’s are administered prior to the monthly meetings at 6:00 P.M. and located on the 2nd floor, Room 260 – ‘Planning Room’
The general meetings are held at the TCOG (Texoma Council of Governments) first floor, located at the following address…
1117 Gallagher Drive, Sherman, Texas, 75090
Tentitive Plan to hold a Basic CW Class in 2025.
There is interest in another Basic and Intermediate Course in 2025, but there will be ONLINE courses available when completed. There will be a small fee for the online courses, but you can take the classes at your leisure. All three courses will be offered – Basic Course from 0-13 WPM, Intermediate Course – 13-20 WPM and Advanced from 25-35 WPM. A contesting course may come out in the Spring of 2026.
Dates for upcoming Radio Events will be published early in 2025
Winter Field Day in January 25 and 26
Perrin Field Special Event in May
Summer Field Day – June 28th and 29th
Red River Bridge War Special Event in July
Eisenhower Birthday Special Event in October
The club participates in Winter and Summer Field Day operational events to hone skills in both casual and emergency communications. Whether you are a seasoned ham, just earned your license, or are interested in learning more about amateur radio, you are welcome to the GCARC.
The GCARC is now doing ARRL license testing once a month just prior to the general meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. If you would like more information or want to sign up for a test session, just go to the dropdown at the top of this webpage called ‘ABOUT GCARC’ and then select ‘License Testing’ from the dropdown menu. All the information you need, prior to arriving to take the test, can be found on that page. Also, there is a link on that page that will instruct you on what to bring to the test session. If you are applying for your first license, you must go online and acquire your FRN number BEFORE arriving to take a test. Your testing VE cannot submit your test results to the ARRL without your FRN. You do not have to be a GCARC member to take ARRL license tests by the GCARC.
Mailing address: PO BOX 642 Sherman, TX 75091