The date is June 22-23, 2024
It begins at 18:00 UTC Saturday and runs through 20:59 UTC Sunday
Hello GCARC members.
It is hard to believe that we have already reached the month of June, but here it is. It is now approaching time for our favorite time of the year, FIELD DAY! For those new to the hobby who may be wondering what field day is, it is a time when everything we love in our hobby comes together in one setting. ARRL’s definition of field day is “Field Day is amateur radio’s open house — an opportunity to showcase what amateur radio is all about to the public.” It is essentially one weekend where we have the opportunity to put all the skills we have learned throughout the year to use and provides us with the opportunity to learn more about this hobby in one weekend than you may have learned in the entire year.
The field day events held by the Grayson County Amateur Radio Club are truly diverse events where there is something that appeals to all members. There is a good mixture of voice modes on all bands, CW skills that would rival any club, plenty of various digital modes in operation, educational events, wonderful camaraderie, and great food. We are fortunate to have many operators with decades of experience who are willing to share their knowledge. One of the most impressive things I have seen in my time with the club is these same experienced operators will stop and take time to learn something new to them. It was at a field day event that sold me on GCARC a few years ago. I learned more in one evening talking with several members than I learned in a year of research and YouTube videos while deciding if this hobby was for me.
This year’s Field Day event will be on June 22 and 23 and will be held at Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site in Denison, TX. The site is a convenient location, rich in history, provides ample space for various antennas, and has a wonderful pavilion with accommodations for operating during a Texas Summer event. A detailed schedule will be made available at the next club meeting as we get closer to the event, but here are a few of the things planned for this year. The club will be operating 3-4 radios with designated time slots, bands, and modes to give anyone wanting to operate the chance to do so. The primary educational event will be assembling the ARRL 80-10 Meter End Fed Half Wave Antenna. Secondary educational events will be basic radio programming instruction, ICOM 7300 (the club radio) basic operation and care, and Winlink demonstration and how to session. There will also be VE’s on site during a two-hour window to conduct testing for anyone who wishes to obtain or upgrade their license. These are just the structured educational activities scheduled. You will find that learning activities will be ongoing throughout the day, and if there is a subject you wish to know about, just ask around and an educational activity will form instantly with those familiar with the subject. Antenna and station preparation will start at 9am, while operations begin at 1pm and will continue for 24 hours.
Please plan to attend the club meeting on June 18th where more information will be made available. Club members may also contact me directly for more information at AB5MC@arrl.net or at 469.408.4748. I hope to see everyone at this year’s event, and I look forward to learning more about this wonderful hobby that we all share.
Michael Coffman – AB5MC
Field Day Coordinator – GCARC