Welcome To the Grayson County Amateur Radio Club
The Grayson County Amateur Radio Club was founded in 1994. The club is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization that promotes HAM radio in the Grayson County area. Our Goal is to have fun with Amateur Radio and provide vital emergency communications services to our communities. Membership fees and Donations are appreciated and are used to:
1) Facilitate the club working with local government and other community organizations to provide emergency communications during hazardous weather and local area disasters, or safety observation communications during local community events.
2) Conduct special radio event stations that commemorate significant local historical events in Grayson County.The special radio events held throughout the year are the following…
Perrin Field Special Event – May
Red River Bridge War Special Event- July
Eisenhower Birthday Special Event – October
The club participates in Winter and Summer Field Day operational events to hone skills in both casual and emergency communications.
We do not require you to be a member of the club to participate in our events, so feel free to jump in and join in the fun. Whether you are a seasoned ham, just earned your license, or are interested in learning more about amateur radio, you are welcome in the GCARC.
Jim – KI5BMN – 73
President of the GCARC
Our Club nets are held 8:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month on the W5RVT 147.000 repeater (+.6 MHz, PL 100)
Our Club meetings are held at 7:00 P.M. on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at Grandys Restaurant, 3201 Texoma Parkway, Sherman, TX 75090.